– a Comprehensive Guide

Noise induced hearing loss is a preventable but irreversible condition that is caused by exposure to excessive noise over a prolonged period of time. Many traditional factory / industrial jobs meant that the workforce was likely to work in environments which exposes them to high levels of noise but with no hearing protection. This is most common in manufacturing, processing plants, construction, ship building and many other trades.

 Unfortunately, excessive levels of noise at work can lead to either temporary or permanent hearing loss or tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Damage usually results from prolonged period of noise exposure and/or exposure to very loud or explosive sounds.

 If you have sustained noise induced hearing loss, you may be entitled to receive Compensation. This applies when you have suffered noise induced hearing loss from a workplace.

What is the claim process?

To make a claim you simply need to fill out our online claim form or call us on 01282 911 119 to speak with a Solicitor. You can also use the WhatsApp / Facebook Messenger icons to get in touch with your details. We will then arrange for your FREE hearing test and proceed to investigate and determine the claim.

How long do I have to claim? Does retirement or working elsewhere affect my claim?

You can still make a claim if you have retired or even if you are still currently working.

You have three years from the date you realised you were suffering from hearing loss and linked the case to your noise employment, otherwise the claim is statute barred under rules set out within the Limitation Act 1980.

Multiple noisy employers

If you have been exposed to noise at various employers, you can claim against all of them. The damages you are awarded will be apportioned by all negligent parties.

However, the above is subject to any proof to the contrary. This allows the employer to escape liability in the case there is evidence which shows that (not an exclusive list): 

·         Your work duties were not capable of contributing to your noise induced hearing loss;

·         An earlier noisy employer caused the hearing loss;

·         Your loss occurred from a non-work-related cause; or

·         There was a later noisy employer.

Acceptance of your claim

If your claim is accepted, you may be entitled to:

·         Special damages; such as hearing aids, as well as the cost of repairs, maintenance or replacement of such aids in the future; and

·         General damages; which is the Lump sum compensation payment.

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Fill out our secure form below and one of our advisors will call you back urgently. We will be able to answer any questions you might have about starting your no win no fee personal injury claim.