Industrial Hearing Loss Claims

Stanworth Law is committed to helping those affected by work related hearing loss and industrial deafness. Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) results from prolonged exposure to loud noise or sudden blasts, causing permanent damage to cochlear hair cells. If you’ve experienced symptoms like difficulty hearing conversations, tinnitus, or partial deafness due to workplace noise exposure, we’re here for you. Our experienced team operates on a No win, No fee basis, ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve without financial risk. Contact us today at 01282911119 to begin your journey towards justice.

Find Out If You Have A Claim

Claims Won

£4,447 Won For Manufacturing Maintenance Worker’s Industrial Hearing Loss                                        £4,135.60 Won For Sports Equipment Manufacturer                                        £5,000 Won For Steelworker’s Industrial Hearing Loss                                        £5,500 Awarded to Manufacturing Worker for Industrial Hearing Loss                                        £18,000 Won For Military Hearing Loss                                        £18,180 Compensation Awarded To Military Personnel                                        £7,000 Awarded for Industrial Hearing Loss Claim                                        £21,000 Won for Military Tinnitus Claim                                        £14,635 Compensation Won for Military Hearing Loss Claim                                        £35,000 Compensation Won for Military Hearing Loss Claim                                        

Noise Induced Hearing Loss

Noise-induced hearing loss is a permanent type of hearing loss that is caused by exposure to excessive noise over a prolonged period of time. It can also result from being exposed to loud noise during a short period of time, such as a loud explosion. If you have worked in or around an environment where there were high levels of noise, you may have suffered hearing loss. Loud exposure to noise will cause damage to the hair cells in the cochlea, which results in noise induced hearing loss (NIHL). This has been the case for many people working in noisy workplaces, who were not provided with adequate protection.

Many people notice symptoms of hearing loss, but would usually think the problems are caused by age, or as our clients usually describe, as expected ‘wear and tear’. If you have been exposed to noise during your employment, and you are experiencing the symptoms associated with the condition, then you may be entitled to seek compensation from your employers, or former employers (including companies that have closed down).

Common Symptoms of Hearing Loss

Noise at work, usually causes difficulty to a person when listening to higher frequencies. It is therefore difficult for a person to hear when there is background noise. For instance when you are in a pub or a restaurant, or driving in a car, it is very hard for a person with noise induced hearing loss to pick up on a conversation.

As with any type of hearing loss people often complain of the symptoms set out below: 

  • Struggling to hear people when they are talking to you, especially when there      is background noise. 
  • Inability to hear high-pitched sounds, distorted or muffled sounds, and ringing in the ears (known as tinnitus). 
  • Having to ask people to speak up or regularly missing conversations.
  •  Having to turn up the TV louder than what most people would find normal. 
  • Not picking up full sentences and parts of words when people are speaking.
  • Struggling to hear people on the telephone. 
  • Missing the doorbell ringing. 
  • Being told you are shouting when you think you are talking normal. 

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How can noise damage my hearing?

Loud noise is collected by the ear from sound waves which travel down the ear towards the eardrum. If the sound is loud enough it can disrupt the delicate hearing system. Loud noise passes through the middle ear and to the inner ear known as the cochlea. The tiny hair cells coating this fluid-filled chamber can be damaged as the loud sound reaches the cochlea. Extreme brief sounds such as an explosion, can damage hair cells as well as continuous and/or repeated exposure to high levels of noise. Once the hair cells are damaged, there is no treatment to bring them back!

If you have hearing loss or experience tinnitus, and have been exposed to excessive levels of noise, contact our expert team today and we will help you recover the compensation you deserve.

How can I tell I was exposed to excessive levels of noise in the workplace?

Were you raising your voice level or shouting to communicate with someone? Were you not able to hear another colleague who was around 1 meter away from you? Was speech or sounds muffled or dull after you finished a noisy days’ work? Did you or are you suffering from tinnitus (ringing or buzzing noises)? Were you operating or surrounded by excessively noisy machinery such as, e.g. jack hammers / Kango drills, pneumatic air chisels etc then Stanworth law can help you claim compensation on a No Win No Fee basis.

Please contact one of our expert solicitors today and we will give you instant confirmation on your claim and get this easy procress started for you. 

What is the treatment for work related hearing loss?

Many people suffer in silence and only seek medical attention after years of denying there is a problem. Noise induced hearing loss is permanent and there is no cure. Depending on the degree of your hearing loss, you may benefit from the use of hearing aids. These can be provided under the NHS or bought privately.

In most cases you will attend your GP or a private clinic about your hearing problems and then be referred to see an audiologist with a current NHS wait time of 2 to 3 months. WE CAN ARRANGE A FREE HEARING TEST to be performed by a qualified NHS Audiologist within 7 days. After the hearing test, you will be shown the results, and thereafter, may be sent to see an ENT Specialist, again on a reduced wait time of 12 weeks rather than the current NHS wait time of 6 months. From this  they will discuss with you the possible causes of hearing loss. The expert will also discuss your work history and exposure to noise.

If your hearing loss is noise related, you can claim compensation and may be able to recover the reasonable costs of purchasing private hearing aids, which we will discuss with you.

How much Compensation can I claim for industrial hearing loss?

The amount of hearing loss compensation you can claim depends on all or some of the following considerations:

  • The severity of the injury
  • The presence and degree of the injury
  • Effects of the injury to your day-to-day living
  • Severity and how long the symptoms will last


You may be entitled to compensation if you were exposed to excessive noise at work. There is no fixed amount on how much hearing loss compensation you will receive however, Stanworth Law will do everything we can to recover the maximum compensation for you. We have set out the range of compensation that may be awarded below (approximately):

  • Total deafness: £69,000 to £91,000
  • Total Hearing loss in one ear:£23,000 to £38,000
  • Severe tinnitus with hearing loss: £23,000 to £36,000
  • Moderate tinnitus with hearing loss: £11,000 to £24,000
  • Mild tinnitus with some hearing loss £9000 to £12,000
  • Slight or occasional tinnitus with slight hearing loss £5000 to £10,000
  • Slight hearing loss Up to £580


If you feel you have been affected by any hearing loss from your work,  call or contact one our specialist team of solicitors who will be able to help you make a No Win No Fee claim.

Find out how much compensation you deserve

We work on a No Win No Fee basis, and for further information, contact our team of specialist solicitors at Stanworth Law to find out if you have suffered from hearing loss caused by noise in the workplace. 


Yes, if you’ve developed hearing loss due to noisy working conditions, you may be entitled to compensation. At Stanworth Law, we specialise in handling industrial hearing loss claims. Contact us today at 01282 911 119 or through our contact page to discuss your case with our experienced solicitors. Don’t hesitate to seek the compensation you deserve.

The amount of compensation for industrial deafness varies depending on factors like the severity of the condition and its impact on your life. At Stanworth Law, we work tirelessly to secure the maximum compensation possible for our clients. Contact us today at 01282 911 119 or through our convenient online form to discuss your case and learn more about the potential compensation available to you.

Unfortunately, noise-induced hearing loss is typically permanent and irreversible. However, there are treatments available to manage the symptoms, such as hearing aids. If you’ve been affected by noise-induced hearing loss, seek legal advice promptly to explore your options for compensation. Contact Stanworth Law today at 01282 911 119 or through our online form for expert guidance and support.

The average payout for tinnitus in the UK varies depending on factors such as the severity of the condition and its impact on your life. For detailed information on potential claim payouts for tinnitus and other hearing loss severities, please refer to the table below. If you have further questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact Stanworth Law at 01282 911 119 or leave your details with us and our tinnitus experts will get back to you.


Hearing Loss/Tinnitus Severity

Claim Payout

Low level hearing loss and tinnitus

£5,200 – £10,000

Moderate hearing loss or tinnitus

£12,600 – £29,700

Serious hearing loss or tinnitus

£15,000 – £45,500


If you have hearing loss, you have rights protected by law in the workplace. To understand your specific rights and explore potential legal actions, based on the severity of your hearing loss, consider reaching out to a solicitor. For personalised guidance and assistance, contact Stanworth Law at 01282 911 119 or send us an inquiry through our online form and our expert hearing loss solicitor will get back to you.

Common causes of noise-induced hearing loss often stem from workplace environments with high levels of noise exposure. These include industries such as construction, manufacturing, and transportation. Prolonged exposure to loud machinery, equipment, or tools can lead to permanent hearing damage. If you believe you have experienced hearing loss due to workplace conditions, seek legal advice as soon as possible. Contact Stanworth Law at 01282 911 119 or leave your details with us and we will get back to you.

Claims Specialist You Can Trust

Stanworth Law’s solicitors are specialists in hearing loss claims on a ‘No Win, No Fee’ basis for individuals working within the industrial industry, armed forces sectors, and more. If you think you have been affected by hearing loss, we advise you to talk to one of our claim experts.

Military Hearing Loss

Whether you are still an active member of the UK armed forces or have now left active service, our team can help you claim compensation for deafness, hearing loss, tinnitus and any other hearing problems which developed directly because of your duties. 


Stanworth Law are experts in tinnitus hearing loss claims for individuals who have served in the military or industrial sector.  Find out how we can get you quick access to our NHS Audiologist within days in order to claim compensation on a No Win No Fee basis.

Acoustic Hearing Loss

Do you think you have been affected by acoustic shock injury? Would you like help from one of the UKs leading acoustic shock injury claim specialists. Find out more on how Stanworth Law has helped hundreds of workers across the UK claim compensation they deserve.

Discover if you can make a claim

If you, or anyone you know, has been affected by work related hearing loss, or you have suffered with hearing loss serving in the military due to your active armed forces career, please contact our team of specialist solicitors to make your claim for compensation.

Starting your hearing loss claim

Once you have made contact with us via phone, or our contact form, one of our specialist solicitors will review your case. Once your case is taken, we will enter a ‘No Win No Fee’ agreement with you and start the claims process.